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Virtual Medical Care

Virtual Healthcare Questions and Answers

Welcome to Amcu TelePsych, we offer virtual healthcare appointments, letting you get the healthcare you need without having to leave your home! Book your appointment today.

Virtual HealthCare Near Me in Bakersfield, CA

Virtual HealthCare Near Me in Bakersfield, CA

Table of Contents:

What Is Virtual Healthcare?
How is virtual healthcare different from telehealth?
What are the benefits of virtual healthcare?

What Is Virtual Healthcare?

Virtual healthcare is also widely known as virtual visits or telemedicine. This is when a virtual healthcare appointment takes place between the patient and a healthcare provider via a communication platform or technology that uses video and audio connectivity, this deems it a virtual meeting that happens in real-time and can be done virtually from anywhere.

Connect with us virtually with our many services including:

– Psychiatric Consulting
– Medication Management
– Personalized Counseling
– Pharmacogenetic Testing

A virtual healthcare visit can be completed while the patient is at home and the healthcare provider is at their office, and they can meet to complete the appointment comfortably and safely.

Virtual visits were widely used for meetings, consultations, check-ins, and reports long before healthcare started using it strategically. Once the pandemic hit, virtual healthcare has taken over by storm making it easier than ever before for patients to meet with their healthcare providers to go over anything concerning their health.

How is virtual healthcare different from telehealth?

The most notable difference between virtual healthcare and telehealth is that telemedicine does not include non-clinical healthcare professionals. Telemedicine provides healthcare services directly to their patients and offers the same features and tools used to:

– Increase patient engagement
– Increase patient satisfaction, and
– Improve communication between healthcare providers and their patients

Maintaining this ease of access to remote care using virtual healthcare has been particularly important and continues to constantly shift the healthcare organization for the long haul. In the end, it does not matter how the patient can engage with the healthcare providers and access the medical clinic, as long as they can still access it and receive the same type of care they would normally, it will continue to offer high-quality, valuable and patient-centered advantages.

What are the benefits of virtual healthcare?

Virtual healthcare offers multiple benefits to not only the provider, and the patient, but also the community. Let’s focus on the main benefits virtual healthcare offers to its patients first:

Saves Time; Offers Flexibility: Virtual healthcare reduces travel time and waiting room time by providing virtual healthcare appointments online, no need to find childcare, you can stay within the comfort of your own home with your children while attending your appointment.

Cost savings: You can save money by reducing travel expenses with gas, no need to take time off work as you can easily do virtual healthcare type of appointments in your office, and avoid in-person appointments which can be easily resolved through an email or even a simple phone call.

Accessibility: Virtual healthcare appointments give access to individuals who cannot easily access their healthcare provider’s clinic. They can easily book an appointment by phone or online and ask questions through easy contact us features providing a more intimate and personalized experience all without having to be face to face.

Patient engagement: patients have the opportunity to enjoy accessing their healthcare provider easily through online sources, as well as contacting their healthcare provider at any time of day to ask a question or book an appointment.

Not only do the patients see the many benefits, but it frees up more appointment time slots for in-office appointments. No need to clean rooms as often if you are taking more patients virtually. Finally, the community sees a benefit, as there are fewer vehicles on the road, which in turn offers less traffic, fewer car accidents, and less wear and tear on the roads that are often used.

If you are looking for a clinic that offers virtual healthcare appointments and can take on new patients and provide high-quality, top-rated medical care, Amcu TelePsych is the clinic to contact. We are available when you need us most.

We serve patients from Bakersfield CA, Los Angeles CA, Santa Barbara CA, Maricopa CA, Shafter CA, Palmdale CA, Santa Clarita CA, Lancaster CA, Visalia CA and are licensed in California, Texas, Arizona and New York.